Is it ok to fly with wrapped presents in your checked luggage? I assumed that as long as the gifts were in a checked bag I wouldn't have a problem. However, a friend just told me that airport security will unwrap all packages. Is this true?
Btw, I am flying out of LAX.
Just FYI: I flew with a suitcase filled with wrapped presents and had no problem! I received my suitcase at my fd with all gifts wrapped!
Yes Tara, I believe this to be true. I flew at Christmas time two years ago, out of a couple international airports, to visit my family and all my gifts had to be unwrapped, even though my luggage was being checked. I went to my airline's website (Northwest) to get the scoop and that is what was instructed. I would probably just give your airline a call to confirm. I'd hate to see all your gift wrapping work go to waste!
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a misinformed beholder a black eye."
Miss Piggy
Oh bummer! When I flew a few years ago, I actually got through wrapping half of my presents before realizing that it may be a problem. I hope I'm wrong and that maybe the policies have changed since I went (which was the not long after 9/11). Let us know what they say!
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a misinformed beholder a black eye."
Miss Piggy
tara, it's true. i've heard it from various sources as well as on the news - all presents need to be unwrapped. i'm so sorry you spent all that time wrapping for nothing! see what happens when you plan ahead?
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I know this is late but how about next year sending your packages through the mail before you arrive if you want them wrapped? I think you can do priority and it only takes a week at the most to get to your destination. Then you could be overly prepared!