My bf's birthday is really soon, and i was wondering what I should write on his birthday card. I know this probably seems strange, but I am really at a loss here. I don't want to just write 'Happy Birthday', I want to make it special without making it sound too sappy. And probably without using the word love...I know this is an odd question, but what would you write? TIA
a few bdays ago, my bf gave me a funny card (not mushy at all) and inside he wrote something like -- this day is special to me b/c i get to celebrate your life and the day that you came into this world -- something along those lines, and i was in the mood to read something mushy, so it worked :)
I've had this dilemma with people I've been dating, not necessarily a bf, but maybe something like - hey there old man (hee!) I hope your day is as great as you are. Or hope you have a wonderful birthday - you deserve it. something like that?
A friend of mine did something really cute for her b/f on his birthday. He was turning 25 so she wrote "25 reasons I love you" in his card. All the reasons were really cute and funny little personal observations. Anyway, it was a huge hit b/c he was talking about it to everyone!