Since October, I have been on an eating plan (I hate the word diet ) in which I eat around 1000 calories Mon - Thur and then on Friday I cheat a little at supper. Then on Saturday and Sunday I pretty much cheat like I want to. So far I have kept my weight where I want it. However, I am afraid that the calories on the weekend will catch up with me and that one morning I will wake up overweight. Do you think I should just keep doing what I am doing or should I add Friday as another 1000 calorie day (omit the cheating at supper)? I have identified that I eat when I am happy. I work all day Mon- Thur and half a day on Friday. When I walk out of the building at 12:00 noon on Friday, I am so happy that I just really want to have a big meal that night and cheat Sat and Sun. It is also easier to diet at work. When I am at home I am constantly thinking about food.
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
I don't want to be a Debby Downer, but it is really dangerous to only eat 1000 calories a day. YOu should be eating at least 1400. A great way to lose weight, eat healthy, and still have your cheat day is to eat extremely healthy every day of the week and then have one big all out cheat day.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Farrah, Lately I have had alot of stomach problems and feel tired alot. That is probably due to the low amount of calories? Do you think I would be safe if I upped it to 1200 instead of all the way to 1400?
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
Bloomie, 1000 is so low!!! I don't know how you have any energy! I definitely agree with Farrah that you should at least be eating 1400 calories a day. Have you tried using one of those online calculators that helps you figure out how many calories you need to be taking in per day? You should consider that you're basically throwing your body into starvation mode which encourages your body to store fat whenever you're not starving it. Your body also starts to burn muscle - remember, muscle burns more calories than fat. So you're also hurting your metabolism.
Have you ever considered weight watchers? It's about making a lifestyle change, and the points system makes it so that you're not constantly watching your calories, which I feel can be a very dangerous and misleading number at times.
That is exactly why you feel sick and tired. Your body is unable to fight off fatigue and illness because you are not giving it enough fuel. I really suggest going to 1400 at least. If you are exercising you should up that to about 1800 in order to get your energy. In order to lose weight you have to burn more calories than you take in, but if you do not have the energy to move you cannot burn anything.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Weight Watchers is a good idea, especially if you want to keep it strict during the week and splurge on weekends. On WW you eat a certain number of points each day and then you have 35 extra points you can use all week, one day, or not at all. It'll help you keep on top of your "cheat" days so you don't go overboard and undo all your work during the week.
All that said, 1000 calories is too little. You could be slowing down your metabolism by eating so few calories. If your met. slows down, it could cause you to gain weight when you splurge, even though you're probably evening out over the course of a week. Trust me, you don't want to mess up your metabolism because it's really hard to get it back on track.
I am pretty familiar with WW but I have never done it. Can't you join online? I am afraid to go to meetings because I am afraid if I walk through the door people will wonder what I am doing there since currently I am not overweight (just trying to maintain). I have bad memories of a diet I did one time that had a support group. I weighed 13 more pounds than I do now and I walked into the room because I wanted to lose it. As I walked through the door, this lady said to me, "What are YOU doing here? You don't need to lose weight." Well, maybe from her perspective I didn't, but from mine I did. Just for the record, I am 5'6" and weigh 123 pounds. I just want to keep it there, because at that weight none of my clothes are too tight and none are too baggy.
I also wonder if I ate more during the week if I would be less likely to splurge on the weekends?
Some people collect stamps and coins--I collect shoes.
I bet you'd not feel like you needed days to really splurge if you ate more during the week. I totally get what you mean about dieting being easy at work because I'm the same way (routine and everything). But putting your body through cycles of famine/plenty on a day-to-day basis isn't a good long term plan. The low-cal days lower your metabolism, and pretty soon your body is going to start storing Every! Calorie! It! Can! Get! from those weekends when you don't restrict.
Just FWIW, I messed up my metabolism pretty bad in high school with a too-restrictive diet and it's never been the same since. I have an extra, extra hard time losing weight now because when I try to reduce my calories I get dizzy and lethargic and headachy because my blood sugar crashes so easily. It wasn't worth it!
Maybe you'd be better off thinking of your calorie intake on a weekly instead of daily basis (either with WW or just with your own tracking). It would be healthier for your body to be on a more even intake and you'd likely end up the same calorie-wise in the end.
The calculations if you eat 1000 each weekday, 2000 each weekend day, and an extra 250 at dinner on friday comes out to a total of 9250 for the week, with averages out to 1320 per day. You should probably be a little higher than that like the other girls said, so 9800 per week would bring it to 1400 per day.
You could even add in an extra 'splurge' amount if you wanted to just build it right in, and count regular and splurge calories separately so you know you're getting adequate nutrition from your 'regular' calories. I mean, a 1400 cal/day diet made up of fruits and vegetables and whole grains and lean protein is very different than a 1400 cal/day diet made up of a Big Mac, fries, and a milk shake, even though they could be identical in calorie count.
Looking at it in a weekly amount seems like it would be easier to move/save calories for planned splurges (like if you know you're going out to dinner on saturday) without having to deprive yourself completely.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I agree with what the other girls have said. 1000 is DANGEROUSLY low. It may be helpful to see a nutritionist who can help you figure out exactly how many calories you should be eating to lose weight in a healthy way. Also, instead of starving yourself, you could try increasing muscle and working out more. Just having more muscle in your body will make your body a more efficient machine and you'll burn more calories each day.
As far as the WW thing goes, I don't think you have to feel embarassed about going to the meetings if that's what you're afraid of. My mom was on WW for a long time and it helped her *so* much. She doesn't go anymore, but even after she reached her goal weight (healthy thin, I think she said she hasn't been this thin since her 20s!) she kept going for a while. I think they let her go for free because she was a "graduate" - but the point is, there are women who go to WW just for the moral support of maintaining their weight.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
My trainer told me women should never eat less than 1300 calories a day. It is the basic calorie amount we need to keep our bodies fueled and our metablism going.
Try upping your calories in the week and cutting back just a bit in the weekend. As elle said above, you probably cheat more on the weekend because your so deprived during the week.
I have never tried WW, but heard great things about it.
bloomie wrote:I also wonder if I ate more during the week if I would be less likely to splurge on the weekends?
I think that would totally be the case for you. If you eat a bit more and give yourself a treat each day, you're less likely to go overboard on the weekend because you won't feel deprived.
I think you're putting your body through some unnecessary stress and it's probably backfiring on you. It's probably why you don't feel great and you don't have a lot of energy. Your body also might be hanging on to everything you eat on the weekends as a way of getting itself through the week. If you ate more each day, your metabolism would probably speed up.
Also, to address something you said in your original post, I think it's highly unlikely that you're going to wake up one morning and be overweight. It just doesn't happen that way. Having a moderate, healthy diet rounded out by a moderate, healthy exercise plan should be enough to maintain your weight.
I am pretty familiar with WW but I have never done it. Can't you join online? I am afraid to go to meetings because I am afraid if I walk through the door people will wonder what I am doing there since currently I am not overweight (just trying to maintain). I have bad memories of a diet I did one time that had a support group. I weighed 13 more pounds than I do now and I walked into the room because I wanted to lose it. As I walked through the door, this lady said to me, "What are YOU doing here? You don't need to lose weight." Well, maybe from her perspective I didn't, but from mine I did. Just for the record, I am 5'6" and weigh 123 pounds. I just want to keep it there, because at that weight none of my clothes are too tight and none are too baggy.
I also wonder if I ate more during the week if I would be less likely to splurge on the weekends?
you can join just online. Ive been to meetings though and have never had a problem... I had the same fears as you before I went. Everone has always been super supportive, no matter what my weight. (fwiw, I first joined weighing around 145, then I moved and started going to a different meeting when I was already at goal and there were still no problems or weirdness.)
I agre with ILoveChoo...I don't think most people would think I need to lose weight, but everyone was very supportive at WW. There are people of ALL different sizes at my meeting, some of whom I would never expect to see at a WW meeting. You really don't need to be nervous going to one.
I am a fan of WW, I have been doing it for a while now and it works great for me. If you don't think it is something for you enjoy and like calorie counting you should ask a health professional about how many calories you should be eating each day based on your body. Healia communities has boards where you can do that and they typically get back to you within 48 hours. Good luck!