I have a friend for the past 25 years, we've been friends for ever, she is even going to be my bridesmaid.
Suddenly she has been acting strange since she got hooked with her new bf, she has been really cold to me and to my other best friend. We are always calling her and she never gets back to us or return the phone call, we always invite her to places and she always lays about why she isn't going, why can she just say she doesn't want too? I guess that would be alot easier.
Well, what really got to me happened this past week, she never called my on my birthday!!! I really was sad! I saw her 2 days after my B-day and she just congratulated me, she never told me an "i'm sorry, i forgot". She just said Happy birthday and that was it.
I'm sooo upset, am I overreacting?
I mean she is supposably going to be one of my bridesmaids, i'm even considering taking her of the list.
ok, there are definitely two sides to this...You said she just got a new boyfriend so I'm thinking that she's probably just in that loopy first stage of "love" and is kind of oblivious to the rest of the world. In a way, it's understandable. However, it sounds like it's gotten to the point where she's being way too selfish. I wouldn't take her off your bridesmaid list or cut her off because you guys have been friends for so long and people like that can't be replaced. Before doing something rash out of hurt and anger, I'd talk to her...calmly...about how you are feeling. Tell her how hurt and disappointed you've been lately and that you know that she's wrapped up in her new relationship and how exciting that is but that your friendship only works if it's important to both of you...no matter what else is going on in your lives.
Another thing to keep in mind....she might be worried that she's losing you as a friend since you're getting married. I know it might sound silly but as somebody who has a number of friends and several siblings who have gotten married, I can say that there is definitely a certain sense of loss. This might just be her way of "protecting" herself from the hurt of losing YOU. You really, really need to talk to her. If you two are truly such goods friends then you'll get through this.
sounds fishy to me...have you tried asking her what's up? Maybe you could have a mandatory get together for your bridesmaids? In my experience, sometimes friends can get weird when one person gets engaged.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
I agree with the girls, have a friendly talk with her,let her know how you feel and so on. Hopefully she will see how she's been acting and start making some room for you. If not, take it from there....