I have a case of winter skin dryness. I've tried different scrubs, but I haven't found one that I really like. I don't mind spending $ if it works well. Any recommendations?
Face - Definitely Modern Friction by Origins. Love it. It is important to use it on dry skin before you hop in the shower.
Body - I love Boscia Jujube Amino Acid body wash with my mesh puff. That works perfect. If I really want a scrub, I will mix salt with olive oil in my hand and scrub with that.
Best scrub I've ever ever ever used for face is a simple aspirin mask. I mix a few dissolved aspirin with cetaphil so I've not had a problem with it being drying, especially if I follow it up right afterwards with moisturizer.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I'm in for salt and oil. I use Dead Sea Salt, which you can get online. Its fun to make your own scrubs- a little salt, a little olive oil, and some essential oils and you are smelling and looking fab.