I've always been too chicken to try it. But I am, um, frustrated with shaving side effects right now.
I know to take advil beforehand, but is there anything else I should know about how to tell if they are doing a good job? (I am incredibly picky about my hair and my pedicure, I can only imagine that I will scare the heck out of whomever gets this job...)
And PLEASE, if you know someone good in D.C., it would help. I've gotten three horrible pedicures here already, and I'm not going anywhere unless someone I know has been there...
The best advice I have for having a bikini wax be less painful is to go to someone who's really good! It seems to make all the difference to me. I recommend Chreky Salon in DC -- they have GREAT bikini waxes.
You kind of never know until you try it... Some places look good and have good reviews but are horrible and vice versa. Take 2 advils, try to distract yourself. You will want to pay attention to the hygiene (whether they redip the spatula, general surroundings). With Bikini waxes, usually the cheaper the worse of a job they do.
1) Do NOT go the week before your period (skin is more sensitive) 2) Ask what kind of wax they use, honey is the best, less painful, less irritating. 3) Make sure they are using a "stick" for each dip, if they aren't, that is a major no-no. (think about them using the same wax on ther people's virginias and then re-dipping the stick, yuck) 4) If you are seriously in pain while it's taking place, pull the skin tight, they usually due this for you, but if you due it, you can pull it tighter, helps reduce the "ripping" sensation.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
Hmmmm...it's been a year since I left DC but I used to get the best bikini wax by Diane (or maybe it was Dawn?) at Nusta on 20th Street downtown. If she's not there, then don't go - I also go the worst wax of my life there from a russian woman.
Blue Mercury usually has really good people, but I can't remember the names of anyone I went to there. I mostly got facials and eyebrow waxes by Lance, who for obvious reasons didn't do bikini waxes!