Ok so yesterday I started to get what I thought was a pimple on the side of my lip, kind of right next to it. Then this mornig I wake up and it's like a huge whitehead ( yeah I know way TMI and kida gross). Not I'm wondering if its a cold sore and not a pimple. I've never had one before. It's small and it already looks alot better than it did this morning. Just afraid of passing in on to DH if it is a cold sore. It doesn't really hurt any more than a normal bad pimple would. Am I overreacting?
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I don't think it's a cold sore, mine never look better the second day if I haven't treated them with anything. Mine can get huge and make my whole lip swell up (giving me the duck lip look) if I don't take a pill or put cream on them right away when I see them. Mine hurt and itch like crazy too.
If you'd never had them before, you would have gotten other symptoms as well. The first time you get herpes simplex-1 (which is what causes cold sores), you get what is called primary onset. Children rarely, if ever, experience these secondary symptoms, but when adults catch Herpes 1 they usually experience some of the following:
fever aches swollen gums cold sores inside and outside the mouth
Lucky me, I *just* got herpes 1 for the first time from my boyfriend. I seriously thought I was going to die, because no one could tell me what was wrong with me. Finally when I went to the dentist because of my swollen gums, he suggested herpes.
Anywho, I would say you definitely don't have a cold sore. But I wanted to put this info out there as sort of a public service announcement, because I personally had never heard of ANY of this info before I experienced it.
I get them constantly and have since childhood; I have to take medication every day to prevent them. I agree with the others -- not cold sore. A cold sore will look like a blister. It will start as a bump, then swell up huge (just like a blister on your foot). Then it will drain and it will hurt like a mofo. Then it will take freaking forever to go away.
gingembre1 - Most people who get the virus get it once and then never again. So you probably won't ever get one again.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Thanks girls! You're right I don't think it's a cold sore because today it's almost gone and from what you're all saying it wouldn't go away so quickly!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw