I have a terrible cold and I'm all stuffed up. Saturday I have to be on a plane so I need to take something that will help. Dayquil is not working at this point. Can anyone recommend something that will help me not be so stuffed up when I fly? Help please!!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I had to fly for work with a horrible head cold once and my doctor recommended Afrin in addition to the antibiotics he gave me. I used it one hour before takeoff and then halfway through the flight before we began the descent (this is the worst part when you have a head cold - it feels like your head is going to explode!!).
It worked so well, that now I always keep some in my travel bag just in case.
I second the Afrin suggestion. I also recommend getting something from behind the pharmacy counter that has psuedoephedrine in it (strong decongestant). I recently took Drixoral and it worked well on my cold!
Oh, the reason your DayQuil probably wasn't working is because if you bought it recently, it doesn't have the good stuff in it anymore (the pseudo I mentioned above). The old, GOOD, DayQuil used to be my HG cold meds, but since they switched the ingredients, the new stuff doesn't work at all on me.
I like Sudafed Decongestant for clearing my head. I also third the Afrin suggestion. I always have to take it when I get a cold because I take a nasal allergy medicing that won't work if my nose is stuffy. There's nothing worse than compounding a cold with horrid allergies.
The only other thing I can tell you is that your head definitely will not explode on the plain. I know it will feel like it but it won't. I flew with a sinus infection once (a bad one - I couldn't get to a doctor for days and then had to fly). The whole time I flew I pictured chunks of my face and brains splattered all over my fellow passengers. If my head stayed in one piece on that flight, I'm certain it's virtually impossible to have exploding-head syndrome.