Okay, so I was running a little bit today at the gym, and I had to stop, because my butt jiggles when I run. Sorry if that's TMI. Anyways, I have 2 questions:
1) Is there any type of workout pants that will help minimize this or sort of keep everything jiggle-free?
2) Obviously, I need to lose weight, but what can I do to tone up my butt? Thanks!
Sorry, I know this is a weird question.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
P.S. if you are self conscience about running, try walking at an incline at a faster speed.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
the ballet of yoga booty ballet and yoga. and a floor exercise that works good is if you are on all fours, and raise your heel up. for something extra, tuck a 5 lb dumbbell behind your knee.
I love Nike workout pants to help hold everything in. They're a thicker cotton so they sort of hold it in without squeezing it in.
For toning squats and lunges. If you're worried about form, do squats using the smith press so keep you in the right position. The sled at the gym is also good. It's a leg press machine. Also the good 'old kick back, will tone and lift.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
My butt jiggles too but only in certain undies and shorts which I don't understand. Its all the same go figure! anyways. I was weighing myself in the mirror today and noticed some cellulite in the mirror :( and decided that I need to start adding in some lunges and squats every other day.
I think that should help you do the trick with the jiggling
I love spilt lunges on the Smith machine for butt, hamstring, and quad work all in one. I also like do regular squats using the Smith machine too. They are challenging, but they work!!
Besides lunges and squats, the stairmaster is also a good booty toner. I used to alternate my cardio w/the stairmaster back in the day when I was a hardcore gymgoer
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
Please excuse goofy picture of gym guy. The barbell slides up and down the 2 vertical posts on each side and the stops allow you to "park" the barbell at any of the heights. It's really quite useful. I also use it to do bench presses.
If you set the elliptical to a harder resistance and specify you want to work out your glutes (higher "steps"), you can not only get in a cardio workout, but you will find your booty will be quite sore -in a good way!- for a day or two after an intense workout. I like to do at least 45 minutes to 90 minutes. Do not hold onto the machine; you burn about 20% fewer calories by holding on to cardio machines. Instead of holding on, just work out for 20% fewer minutes ;) j/k!
Another good glute workout are single squats. You hold onto a bar (or counter top/table end) as lightly as possible, with one foot off of the ground, and squat into an almost sitting position. Put your weight on the heel of the foot still on the ground, not on the ball. If you feel a little off balance, or fall back a little, you know you are doing it right. Do at least 10 reps for each leg. My booty really hurts after these, but only when I am holding onto the bar as lightly as possible. It's easy to cheat on this exercise, so you just have to get the feel of it; when you feel your butte and back thighs getting tight and fatigued, then your form is good.
If your gym has a Butt Blaster, this is a good, easy machine.
You can squeeze your butt cheeks through out the day while sitting at your desk too. Vary how long you squeeze, which side or both, and how many reps you do. Noone will even know your working it out.
If you have a big, round and full butt like I do, then just get used to it and love it, you can firm it up, but probably not shrink it.
alagirl, okay, iused to use this machine all the time with my trainer, but when i went to use it by myself (cant afford him anymore) the lock was on and i couldnt get it off. after about 5 minutes of looking like a complete fool i walked away.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.