Has anyone had an ovarian cyst before? A year ago or so, I started getting really painful cramps in between my cycle, went to the gyno, she referred me to a lab where they did a sonogram. By the time I had that appointment, the pain had gone away and they didn't find anything on the sonogram. The dr. said it was probably an ovarian cyst, very normal, usually they would prescribe birth control to help, but I'm already on it. All my paps have been normal as well.
In the last couple of months, I feel that pain but mildly. When I do research online, it all seems very common but I never hear anyone talk about it. So, does anyone have any experience with these? Is there anything to do to help/prevent them? I keep massaging the area and I feel kinda silly treating a medical condition like this in such a way.
I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which means I get more than my fair share of cysts
But a lot of women, I'd say the majority, do get some over the course of their lifetime without even knowing it. If your periods are normal, you're already on birth control, and it's not life-altering pain, I think you're fine. Especially since it sounds like your doctor thinks you're fine. Just treat them how you would another pain, with tylenol and heat pads and massage if that helps.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I've had/have them and haven't had many problems. Only once, when a larger one ruptured. It was sooo painful that if I could have found an emergency room in rural Virginia I would have been in it. Other than that, like ttara said, otc medications work for me.
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
One of my best girlfriends and my mom have had them. They're no big deal, especially if they go away on their own. It wouldn't surprise me if we all get them from time to time but don't recognize the symptoms.
With my mom, she took some kind of hormones to get rid of them and they did.
With my friend, she did the same thing you did, had the sonogram, etc., etc., etc. and it went away by the second test.
Thanks for your advice. I guess they really are kinda common. I don't know if I'm going crazy or if I'm in tune with my body or what but I think it "passed" yesterday. The pain has subsided and I feel better but still a little sore. Thanks again.
I had them a lot when I was in high school and my doctor put me on birth control to control them. So far it seems to have worked. I too went and had a sonogram--but mine weren't going away on their own.
I guess since you are already on bc and they come and go, then I don't know what else you could do. Hope it gets better!