Do you have any tips or advice on getting motivated to stay on a exercise routine? I start off doing good but than slack off. I also found that I'm a emotional eater. I eat when bored or upset. TIA. Oh I did put a pair of my fav jeans out so I could see them(motivation) they are pretty tight right now. TIA
I join a gym that has regular classes. If I know that I'm going to yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays and spinning on Saturdays and Sundays, it's way more automatic than if I get home from work and debate whether I should go to the gym that evening or not. Plus, working out with other people keeps me motivated, and the classes I take are for things that I enjoy.
Oh LORD I am in the same boat. In fact I started my "diet" three days ago and already blew it. I ordered a treadmill and a double jogging stroller last week, so my logic is that when it gets here I am DONE being a lazy ass, m&m eatin lady :) I know that last year I lost about 15 lbs....and I stuck a picture of this girl from a magazine that inspired me on the inside of my medicine cabinet. It sounds really stupid, but every morning I would see that brat and stay motivated. A friend of mine put a fat picture of herself on the fridge hahahaha I can't even do that, I swear I would sit and cry with a bag of oreos at the foor of the fridge :) We can be motivational buddies if you want :) This is the year I return to shannon :)
-- Edited by sjc44 at 23:57, 2007-03-09
"Life is not measured by the number of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"
The only way that worked for me was scheduling workouts into my day like appointments with myself. I put them on my Outlook calendar at work so I get reminders for them and see how they fit into my week at a glance. After awhile, I didn't really have to do this as much, but it helped me get started and make working out a priority.
Last year I got a free membership to the fancy-schmancy gym in town through school so I rationalized spending big bucks on a trainer for six months because I wasn't paying for the actual membership. I got partnered with this beautiful man and I stuck to every one of the goals he made for me and always showed up on time for our appointments and even came in on our off days (I saw him twice a week for the first half and then once every two weeks for the second half). I didn't dare look like a slacker in front of this man so I worked my butt off. Course, as soon as my time with him ran out I was back to my lazy lazy self. I don't think a trainer or gym would work for you though- time and money wise so I don't really have much advice other than to wish you good luck!
As soon as I move (this is my deadline), I'm gonna start running. New apartment, new body, new outlook, right?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
relrel you crack me, thanks for the laugh! Well I already have a membership at the ymca and its going out the window so I need to start using it. Maybe I will scope out some hot guys while I'm there
A hot trainer...that is a good idea! Seriously that would be motivating.
I always have to make short-term goals for myself, like something only a month or so away. Wanting to look nice for a friend's wedding or for a vacation usually works.
I tend to be MORE motivated in the Spring/Summer months, when I can sweat. I tend to like exercising outside (jogging, walking, riding the bike). I always gain a lil' weight in the Winter (damn holiday food/parties), but once I get started exercising again, and STICK TO IT - the weight will come off. IF I have something, like an event, to look forward to, even more motivation. I have about a month to lose at LEAST 2 lbs. for an event next month. I can do it. LOL
-- Edited by TheLovelyLady71 at 16:43, 2007-03-13
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
The only way I can fit a work out into my schedule is to squeeze it in during the lunch hour. My building has a nice little gym and I just hope on the treadmill and run for a half hour, do weights, etc and rinse off/shower the rest of my lunch. Then I just eat lunch at my desk. This works best for me because no way can i wake up any earlier than I already do to work out and I am just too beat after work to motivate myself to go to the gym. I'd rather get it out of the way.