Hey, can anyone recommend a good curling iron that's cheap and won't fry my hair? (Like something I can buy at Target - I'm talking $25 or less). Thanks!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
i have a remington protect and shine curling iron with teflon, so it won't burn your hair. it also heats up in about a minute and has several heat settings. i think i got it at walmart, but i'm sure they have ones like it at target. it wasn't more than $20, if i remember correctly. hth!
"apparently there are more important things in life than fashion... yeah, right."
I have had numerous curling irons, even the CHI..which I thought was HORRIBLE> I ended up ordering this one on Ebay 5 years ago, and just now had to replace it...it heats up soooo fast and gives me amazing curls! I HIGHLY reccomend it, and it was under $30!!! I get compliments DAILY on my hair, and it is really from this iron ( and the Frizz Ease Serum I use) The brand is Gold n' hot, here is one on Ebay right now, but they may have them at Sally's or another beauty supply store. HTH!!!