I didn't lose a single pound last week but I didn't gain either and I wasn't very good.
B: Kashi GLC with 1/2 c skim milk, and 1/2 c blackberries - 3 pts
L: 1/2 create your own sandwich from Jason's Deli - turkey on white (white was much better than wheat - branola!!) with spinach, lettuce, cucumber, sprouts, and tomato 1 cup red beans and rice Total - 6 pts
S: 100 calorie pack Reese mix - 2 pts
S: 1/2 c sf/ff jello ~ 0pts
D: the other half of my lunch sandwich ~4 pts 1 cup WW yogurt ~ 1 pt
After workout snack: 1 cup skim milk, 2 slices low cal bread, 1 tbsp low fat pb, 1 banana (for a pb/banana sandwich ) total ~ 6pts
E: I made it!! I walked for 30 mins.
Total for the day - 22 pts, 2 bottles of water drank, and 1 exercise day this week.