i was wondering how much hair you ladies lose when washing your hair, and how often you wash your hair. i was mine every other day and i feel like no matter what shampoo or conditioner, or how often i was, i always end up losing about a small hairball of hair (about a quarter size). Is that alot???
someone once told me that your hair falls out when showering b/c the shampoo or conditioner you use is too strong? is that true? i always use deep moisturizing shampoos from paul mitchell, redken, and my hair fall out the same. someone please tell me this is normal!!
I lose lots. LOTS. Fistfulls at a time, if I don't clean out the drain everyday it gets clogged, lots. I think you're probably seeing more hair in the drain per wash now than if you washed everyday - then you'd see about half as much hair each time, but you'd still be losing at the same pace.
I tend to lose way less though when my hair is shorter, though I'm not sure why that is exactly. As long as you're not feeling like you have progressively less hair each time you wash, it's unlikely there's a problem because it means you're replacing hair at the same pace you're losing it.
Shedding sucks.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Over the summer I was losing fistfuls of hair with each wash... and every time I ran my fingers through my hair. I called my derm, and he said not to worry; he told me to use baby shampoo, eat lots of bananas (my only guess is for the potassium), and cut down on the caffine. Now, I lose maybe 10 strands each time I wash, which is every other day. I don't know if it's because I followed the derm's regime or if I was finished shedding, but I sure am glad. I'm back to using my normal shampoo and conditioner and drinking far too much caffine. Last time I went to my stylist, she asked if I lost alot of hair recently and I said yes. She told me that I have hairs growing in all over my head, thank gosh! I wouldn't worry about it.
hmm, I only notice about maybe 10 strands a day, not many. But sometimes I get into shedding mode and for a couple days I have a lot more coming out. Still, my hair is thin to begin with so there's not a lot to lose! I mean, I'm not balding... but I definitely don't have a thick head of hair at all.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I lose between 50-75 strands every time I wash my hair (2-3 days). I have such thick hair though that I don't worry about it. I agree, as long as your hair isn't thinning you should be fine.
Elle: I've also noticed that I shed less when my hair is shorter.
my hair is now just past my shoulders, and i lose about 20-30 strands when i wash (every 2 days). i have thick AND coarse hair , so i can stand to lose a lot more than that.
i wash my hair daily and lose quite a lot of hair in the shower. i think it's probably because its normally tied up in the daytime so however much would normally fall out during the day if my hair was loose without me noticing just comes out all at once when i shower. i hope thats why anyway...
I lose a ton of hair everyday. My hair is ridiculously thick and it doesn't seem to be getting any thinner despite the fact that my drain gets clogged from one shower, so I'm not too concerned. I also find hairballs all over my house. It's kind of disgusting. My hair is everywhere.
I know stress can make you lose a lot of hair. For about six months after I had each of my babies I would lose so much hair that if freaked me out! Just recently I noticed that I'm not losing so much hair anymore. After I wash my hair I might lose a few strands. Before it was like 25! Every time I would run my fingers through my hair I'd get a handful!
cahabo wrote:I know stress can make you lose a lot of hair. For about six months after I had each of my babies I would lose so much hair that if freaked me out! Just recently I noticed that I'm not losing so much hair anymore. After I wash my hair I might lose a few strands. Before it was like 25! Every time I would run my fingers through my hair I'd get a handful!
I know that when you are pregnant your body goes into a phase where it hardly loses hair and gets thicker. After you have the baby you lose all of that hair. It is a crazy amount but it is really just getting you back to your normal thickness. I hope that makes sense. But I am sure that the stress of a new baby helps too.
I wash every day and lose quite a bit of hair, way more when I am stressed or unhealthy. I thought I was going to go bald at one point, only from the amout I was losing each day. I think your body cycles though. Right now I have my winter coat and have tons of hair.